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Friday, March 04, 2011

Journal Stamps

For ages and ages, well a long time at least, I've wanted to own a set of Teesha Moore's unusual, yet totally practical journal stamps. I've lost count of the number of times I've put them into the cart on her Land of Odd website, but sadly removed them again once I saw the total cost with shipping.

But when I received a newsletter with the wonderful news about free shipping until March 15, well, I knew my time had come. I snapped up a set and then waited and waited for them to arrive. Yesterday my journal stamps came in the mail. Yay!

I've been too busy to play with them so far, but I'm setting aside a date next week to cut them out and ink them up. Why don't you grab something you've been longing for while the free shipping offer lasts?

Click here to visit Planet SARK.

1 comment:

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