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Thursday, August 29, 2013

MADE and a great giveaway

I suppose I should say it's about time, but it might seem a bit rude. But, finally, a group of Christian creatives have made an art journal eCourse for other Christian creatives. As a born-again believer I sometimes need to steer clear of otherwise well-meaning instructors and classes, simply because their course content does not glorify Jesus or is simply outright against my views. 

That's why I was excited to learn about MADE - for those “who are interested in exploring God-centered creativity within an online community of artsistic believers.” If this sounds like you, why not check it out and join others who want to explore their creativity in a way that reflects their Christian world view.

While I'd love to join in, and the cost is very reasonable, I am in a tough financial position at present and am unable to pay for a place. Perhaps, like me, you'd love to win a spot. The very generous BethMorey is giving away three places in the MADE eCourse. Check out her blog Beauty from Ashes to find out how you could win.

Click here to visit Planet SARK.


  1. Heather, great to be here, visiting from Motley Soul, will check out Made, sounds interesting. Blessings for the week. Amanda

  2. Thanks Amanda. You've prompted me to create a blog entry. Thanks. ;-)
