Today I had one of those fun journal writing moments; starting a fresh journal. There’s something exciting about those unmarked pages. In this case the pages are a dusky purple pink.
I have something of a ritual for preparing a new journal. On the very first page I stamp in the words JOURNAL No: and add the number later once I’ve checked which number I’m up to. I paste in a calendar, just one of those freebies you can pick up at the post office, or at the counter of grocery stores throughout the year. For me this is a terrific reference. I’m forever forgetting what the exact date is and it’s also handy when planning projects during a journal writing session.
If there’s time I might decorate the page, too. Stickers look good, if I have any, or I might ink the page with images from my hand carved stamps. It’s just a bit of fun to claim the journal as my own. I don’t add a privacy disclaimer, but it would be a good place for it if you wanted to add that to the front page.
I’ll also add an envelope to the back inside cover so I have somewhere to stash all the little bits I like to carry around with me. That’s pretty much it for me. How do you begin a new journal? Please share in the comments below.
Photo used with permission from Stock.xchng
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