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Friday, December 31, 2010

Word for 2011

Yeah, I'm probably a bit slow when it comes to beginning things others do all the time. But perhaps I haven't been ready for choosing a word for my year until this year. I've been reading Christine Kane's blog. Whilst reading the list provided in Resolution Revolution the word presence leapt out at me. I finished reading the list, in case another word did the same, but, no, presence let me know I needed to chose that word for this year.

I downloaded the Word-of-the-Year Discovery Tool and plan on having a journal session about the word presence, hopefully this afternoon. But right off the top of my head I feel perhaps the word is appropriate for me because I haven't exactly been present in recent years. There's been a lot happening and one of my coping mechanisms is to withdraw and retreat. While this isn't a bad thing, I feel perhaps it's time I came back out and allowed my presence to do what I know is in my heart.

By nature I am an encourager. I love nothing more than to help people discover things I have also found to inspire and help my own artistic endeavours; be that writing, art, jewellery design, or whatever it is I'm currently creating. I know that I need to bring my presence back to where it will be felt. Look for more on this in the next couple of days.

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  1. Hi Heather, this is soooooo what I needed to read today. THANK YOU. My word is inner-confidence.

  2. Cool, I love to know that what I've written has hit the spot. Great idea, isn't it, a word for the year? ;-)

  3. I did my word today, too, Heather:

    Happy New Year! xoO

  4. Thanks, Olivia, for sharing your entry, too. ;-)
