Today the little guy, hubby and I went for a short road trip up the coast to a place called Two Rocks. We had a small repair done on the car yesterday and felt like giving it a good run. Also, the radio has been off the blink ever since hubby replaced a globe in the headlight. We eventually found what the code for it was, but had to wait for the thing to stop displaying err and show code instead.
The long drive did it. Just before arriving home we were able to push in the code and could finally listen to the radio, CDs and the tape player again. So the trip wasn't too boring we did take along a portable player. I took lots of photos, but most were a little boring to show. So instead I've shown the little guy in the park at Burns Beach where we stopped for lunch.
In the afternoon I was able to sit and have a coffee and write in my journal about the trip. There's something refreshing about getting out of the regular routine of life. I had a great journal writing session. Why not try doing something like this today, too? It would've been easy to refuse to go, but I was really glad I did. I hope you try changing your routine soon. It just might be what you need to get a new perspective on your journal writing, too.
Photo is my own
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